My name is Lauren Moyer and I am a senior at Mohawk High School. At Mohawk, I am a varsity ... Learn More

Lauren Moyer
About Me
My name is Lauren Moyer and I am a senior at Mohawk High School. At Mohawk, I am a varsity cheerleader for both football and basketball, the catcher for our softball team, and a part of the yearbook. When I'm not in school or participating in a sport, I am either working or traveling. Travel has been a huge part of my life since I could remember, learning about different cultures and religions is so interesting to me. Since I am new to the industry I hope to gain new skill sets that are applicable to future career opportunities. I plan to build on the skills I learn in the program and develop a clear picture of where I see myself professionally over several years working with our community…

Lauren Moyer's DISC Profile